
January 01, 2017

Sunrise, January 1st 2017


Welcome to twenty seventeen...

If this morning was anything to go by it sure will be an eventful year. Bondi rescue and the thin blue line had their hands full at Bondi. Thousands of revellers continued partying on, and the stench of booze came from all angles. With and without swimming costumes droves of people hopped into the 20+ degree water refreshing themselves after a very long night. Characters from all walks of life and countries filled the beach early on. I'm just looking forward to tomorrow to see how many get up for day #2. Lol

January 1st's sunrise didn't disappoint; a superb summer sunrise. Colour in the clouds and a big bulbous fireball.

Here's to a wonderful 2017; filled with prosperity to all, many colourful sunrises and BIG powerful surf. Hope to see you all out in the water at some point.

Cheers, Adam

1 of 365

Plunge into 2017

Party continues

Good spirits :-)

Rosie finds them all


Ewok on guard

Thin blue line.. thanks for removing those thugs off the beach early this morning & for all your hard work keeping us all safe over the festive season.

Filing in

Sydney goes off.

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Print Options
Photo Card
Handmade all occasion photo cards
Perfect for Birthdays, Celebrations, Thanks etc
6 x 4” print backed by a premium cardboard. Individually wrapped in cellophane bag. Envelope included.
Available in either black or white card. When ordering please add preference in comment. Otherwise it will be artists choice.
Print ONLY
It's just what you think it is.. a signed photo that isn't framed. Best for travelling / sending as it comes rolled up in a sturdy tube.
Standard Frame - White
Signed premium metallic print
Mounted on white mat board, backed by foam core
Displayed in a simple white frame
Great for gifts or display in any room of the house
Available in a range of sizes''
Shadow Box - White
Signed premium metallic print
Mounted on white mat board, backed by foam core
Displayed in a deep white frame; there is a gap between print and glass/perspex.
Fantastic way to display larger prints.
Acrylic Block

Premium metallic print set behind 30mm of grade A clear acrylic.

Perfect for desks and bookshelves. These artworks are fantastic presents and can be sent easily anywhere around the world.

Acrylic Face Mount
Superior metallic print, mounted on 7mm clear acrylic face mount
Slightly more expensive option, but one that will look sensational printed big and hung in any modern home or office.
Want a print or option not shown above? How about something different dimensions or a change in colour (colour to black & white). Send a email  to adam@heatwaves.com.au describing what you’re after and I’ll respond to you shortly to discuss options.